Home > FAQ > Setup > Setup: I created my event, now what?

Setup: I created my event, now what?

You have gone through the all of the set up tasks:

The next step or steps should be to review all of the pages and/or preview your event by adding a test registration.

You can edit/ change any of these sections, in any order.

You can also do them multiple times until your event looks and acts the way you want it to.

See also
Setup: I need an early bird price
Setup: I need different prices for different registration types
Setup: There are strange symbols in one of my text fields
Setup: I have limited items and need to stop selling when sold out
Setup: I need to cut off some items by date
Setup: I see that the quantity shown for registration types is too large
Setup: I am unsure about collect info for one registrant only
Setup: Can I have an event with multiple dates
Setup: Can I have an event with multiple locations
Setup: I would like to add additional graphics to text areas
Setup: I loaded my logo/picture and it looks wierd
Setup: I can't load my image on the Form header
Setup: I need to change the format of a custom question