18th Century Sutlers & Demonstrators

Friendship Day, Sunday, May 19, 1 - 4 pm

Hydref Fall Festival, Saturday, October 5, 2024, 11am - 4pm

18th c Sutlers, Purveyors, Blanket traders & demonstrators welcome!  Indoor and Outdoor spaces available at no charge.  18th c dress required.  Must supply your own canvas, if covering is desired.  If you are new to us we must receive photos of your craft or products emailed to dlm@dlmuseum.org at least two weeks prior to the event.
--- All registrations are due 2 weeks before the event ---

Registration     Quantity

18th c Sutler/demonstrator, Friendship Day 2024    
18th c Sutler/Demonstrator, Hydref 2024    
DLM can not guarantee exclusive rights to any one type of vendor.  DLM reserves the right to select vendors to maintain the quality of the event.

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