When June 6 - 8, 2025 9:00 AM
Where Comfort Inn and Suites 105 Stone trace Dr Mt. Sterling, KY 40353
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Host Hotel: Comfort Inn and Suites
105 Stone trace Dr.
Mt. Sterling, Ky 40353
ROUTE Information can be found on the Event Website:
Basic plan is to meet at the hotel sometime on Friday, ride a chosen route (or your own) on Saturday, and go home on Sunday.
There is a Cattleman's Steak House right behind the hotel, a Cracker Barrel across the street, and gas at the corner.
We will set up a social area behind the hotel in the evenings. I will have a couple of ice coolers there, with ice in them, for attendees to use.
Donations to cover event expenses will be accepted at the event.