1640 Society Family Office Wealth Forum August 17th, 2015
When August 17 2015 - August 17, 2016
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Enter your Last Name and Confirmation ID to review your record.
Registration Information
The Hamptons Family Office Forum is an exclusive invitation only event that brings together leading family members, and family offices from around the globe for closed door private discussions.
All registrations are subject to approval and availability. You are not registered for the Forum until you receive an email from the 1640 Society confirming your registration.
Limited number of hedge fund registrations and very limited number of service provider registrations.
No refunds once registration is confirmed. You may substitute another member of the firm in your place if needed. You will receive a confirmation email from the 1640 Society when registration is accepted. Full refunds will be provided if registration is not approved.
All conference participants are asked to adhere to a “no-fundraising and no-solicitation of business” ethic throughout the conference. Commercial uses of lists of participants are prohibited. We ask all attendees to please report any individual who is soliciting them for business so that we can take necessary action which could include removing them from current and future events.
The 1640 Society seeks to create a unique Forum for like-minded families to have private and "off-the-record" discussions. Individual presentations, comments and discussions should not be referenced in the press (including online blogs and social networking sites) without notifying the 1640 Society and gaining all Parties prior approval. Recording sessions is prohibited, and only the 1640 Society photography is allowed during sessions. Any photographing of participants is permissible only for personal use. By Clicking the Register Button You Agree to these Terms of Registration
Valid ID required for check in.
A LATE FEE of $250 will be assessed for anyone who registers after August 7th, 2015. Registration will be closed by August 12th, and possibly earlier if we reach capacity. Last year's event was oversubscribed by early August and we advise people to register early to avoid disappointment
By Clicking the Register Button I Agree to the 1640 Society Terms and Conditions of Registration which include indemnifying the 1640 Society of any wrongdoing. I agree that the 1640 Society, as well as its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, and all other persons, entities, or organizations involved in the 1640 Society Family Office Wealth Forum and affiliated events shall have no responsibility or liability to me for any financial loss, emotional damages, property damage, personal injury, death or any other damages that I may suffer as a result of participating in the Forum or affiliated events. I release all of the foregoing from any such claims and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless all of the foregoing from any such claims and release the 1640 Society from any wrongdoing. The 1640 Society makes no representations or warranties as to the reliability of information provided and attendees should conduct their own due diligence to verify the facts. The information provided were obtained from sources we believe are reliable, but the 1640 Society and its affiliates are not making any representation with respect to the accuracy or completeness of that information nor are we making any recommendation or endorsement of any fund, security or investment. This agreement shall apply whether the claim is based upon the negligence, or the vicarious liability, of the parties released and indemnified.