1-Day Virtual POPARD Workshop
September 24th, 2021 9am-3pm
Building Productive Learners: Supporting Executive Functioning Skills in Adolescent Students
Strong executive function skills (e.g. planning, organization, time-management) are essential for academic success. Many adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have difficulty in areas of executive functioning. In some cases, these weaknesses can cause intelligent, capable students to underachieve and/or to require a great deal of adult support to perform well in school.

This one-day workshop will introduce a variety of interventions to supporting the development of executive functions. With the right support and training, students with autism can learn strategies and build executive function skills that will benefit them throughout high school and into college and university.  

Audience: This workshop is aimed at school staff (resource teachers, classroom teachers, education assistants) who work with students with autism at the middle school and high school level. 

September 24, 2021

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Site close date: 9/15/2022 4:21 PM
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