5-Day Virtual POPARD Intro to ASD Course for BC School Employees
June 15 -19, 2020 830am-4pm

Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (for BC School Employees)

This course will cover the following:
Theoretical Foundations:
  • Characteristics of ASD
  • Diagnosis and assessment
  • Cognitive profiles and ranges of ability
  • Executive functions
  • Theory of mind
  • Sensory difference
  • Social and communication skills
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Effective instructional practices
Application of Theory to Classroom Practice:
  • Behaviour observation
  • Data collection & analysis
  • Positive behaviour supports
  • Environmental/antecedent supports
  • Teaching approaches including:
    -direct instruction
    -differentiating curriculum
    -cognitive/behaviour interventions
    -augmentative communication
Participants will gain the basic understanding and skills needed to provide quality instruction and supports for students with ASD.

Audience: This Intro to ASD course is offered to employees of BC school districts and independent schools. This includes teachers, paraprofessionals, and other educational staff supporting students with ASD at any grade level (K-12) in developing their social, academic, and adaptive skills.

June 15 - 19, 2020

This Event is over.
Site close date: 6/23/2020 11:59 PM
If you have any questions contact Denise Reid by email at

online event registration provided by: PlanetReg
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