Why Are They Doing That!?
1-Day Virtual Workshop
May 16, 2025 9:00am-3:00pm (Pacific Time)

Figuring out the ‘why’ of student behaviour and how to develop strategies that teach adaptive and effective ways for students to get their needs met.
As many schools have teams to develop and implement Behaviour Support Plans, understanding the ‘why’ of the behaviour is a critical component to the development of strategies that are chosen to help improve them. In this one-day workshop the participants will first learn what behavioural functions are, and how these are different than just looking at how a behaviour looks or sounds. They will learn the multitude of ways in which teams can figure out the ‘why’, and how the functions may be different in different context, situations, or change across time. Finally, in the second half of the workshop, participants will learn which strategies are generally recommended to start with that respond to each different function in order to teach the student adaptive and effective ways to get their needs met.

Audience: This training is directed toward employees of BC school districts and independent schools. This includes teachers, paraprofessionals, and other educational staff supporting students with ASD at any grade level (K-12) in developing their social, academic, and adaptive skills.

May 16, 2025
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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  • This workshop will be presented virtually via Zoom
  • Participants will need a reliable internet connection and a device equipped with a webcam and microphone (laptop / computer are recommended; tablets and mobile phones may be used, but smaller screens may make viewing challenging) 
  • The Zoom link and workshop materials will be e-mailed to participants a few days prior to the workshop
  • A certificate will be issued to those who attend the full day
  • Registration closes at 9am on May 13, 2025
  • Workshop Fee: $25, payable upon registration 
  • Cancellations: Email training_lib@autismoutreach.ca if you need to cancel
  • Refunds: Refund will be provided if written notice of cancellation (to training_lib@autismoutreach.ca) is received at least 3 weeks prior to workshop
  • Registration is non-transferable
Proficiency in English language is required for POPARD training. You must be able to speak/comprehendand read/write English at a Grade 10 high school level or higher. View all of our training policies and terms here.

Register below! Click the quantity dropdown box, select '1' and click CONTINUE
Registration     Price Quantity

Why Are They Doing That!? VIRTUAL 1-day workshop

BC School Employee Rate     C$25.00
Parent/Guardian of child with ASD attending K-12   
BC school
Others interested in ASD - limited seats     C$25.00

If this training shows SOLD OUT we do NOT keep waitlists.

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