2-Day Virtual POPARD SuperWorkshop
Monday June 15 & Tuesday June 16, 2020 9am-3pm
Functional Skills - SuperWorkshop
Join POPARD for a free online workshop for parents and teachers supporting learning at home.
Research has shown that individuals with autism may have challenges that affect one’s ability to enjoy a quality of life at a similar level of peers of the same age and stage of life. Quality of life is not static and can be enhanced in a dynamic way by discovering and experiencing new opportunities and possibilities. Context specific and individualized support strategies can be used to empower individuals with autism to actualize their potential and gain functional skills to increase independence, self-determination, interpersonal relationships, community involvement and physical and emotional well-being. This 2-day interactive workshop will include strategies to identify, teach, guide and assess functional skills for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. By the end of the workshop, participants will have practical knowledge and tools to implement functional skills lessons in the home, school, and community settings.
Discuss the benefits and challenges of teaching functional skills
Understand the domains of functional skills across the lifespan
Recognize the importance of collaboration and a person-centered planning approach
Understand the role of Executive Functioning in learning functional skills
Discuss strategies for increasing motivation, independence, and self-determination
Understand the implications for teaching functional skills in different settings
Plan for generalization strategies and incorporate teaching in community, domestic and vocational settings
Explore different teaching methods for teaching functional skills
Identify adaptations and strategies for supporting functional skills
Practice designing lessons and teaching skills in natural settings
Create support strategies and practical tools for teaching functional skills
Explore and practice data collection and assessment tools
Target Audience:Parents and Teachers supporting learning at home.
When June 15 - 16, 2020
This Event is closed at this time.
Site close date: 5/14/2021 1:41 PM
If you have any questions contact Denise Reid by email at