1-Day Virtual POPARD Workshop
Monday June 1, 2020 9am-3pm
Managing Challenging Behaviour: Strategies for Coaching Families in Remote Learning
This one-day workshop will cover fundamental aspects of understanding and managing challenging behaviour. Basic strategies for preventing, responding to, and teaching replacements to challenging behaviour will be introduced, with an emphasis on strategies applicable to the remote-learning situation that school teams and families are currently navigating. Given the role of families in this new way of learning, time will be spent addressing the ways that school teams can support families via remote coaching. Basic behaviour management strategies (such as providing predictability, promoting functional communication, and using reinforcement) will be reviewed with application and examples relevant to the home learning environment.
Target Audience:Parents and Teachers supporting learning at home.
When June 1, 2020
This Event is closed at this time.
Site close date: 5/13/2021 1:32 PM
If you have any questions contact Denise Reid by email at