B.S.A. Owners Club of S.A. Inc
Membership Renewal / New Member
2024 /2025

The club Membership Subscription fees are for the Financial Year and are Due and payable as at the 30th June each year.

Conditionally registered motorcycles:
It is very important if you have a motorcycle( s) on CONDITIONAL (HISTORIC) REGISTRATION that your club fees are paid by the 30th June each year. If the fees are not paid you are an UN-FINANCIAL MEMBER and therefore your motorcycle is by law UNREGISTERED and UNINSURED and your Log book cannot be endorsed by the club.

It is the responsibility of the club to maintain the CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION system and part of that responsibility is to notify the registrar of people who are no longer FINANCIAL MEMBERS of the club. If the CLUB doesn’t keep its house in order in respect to the CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION scheme the club may lose its right to operate under that system.

Please Note: BSAOCSA Constitution states FIRST motorcycle registered through the clubs Historical Registration scheme MUST be a BSA Motorcycle. Additional brands of motorcycle will then be processed if required. 

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FEE: $ 35.00 pa (INCL.FAMILY children to 18 years of age)
DUE: 30th June each year

Membership     Price Quantity

Membership [Renewal]     $35.00
Membership [New Member]     $50.00

online registration software provided by: PlanetReg
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