2-Day Virtual POPARD SuperWorkshop
May 19 & 20, 2020 9am-3pm
Communication: Supporting Minimally Verbal Students in the School Setting
It is estimated that about 30% of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are minimally verbal. Having a means of effective communication is an essential life skill that supports positive behaviour, academic achievement, and quality of life. Is my student minimally verbal? How can I support their communication skills? Should they be using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this 2-day interactive workshop. By the end of the workshop, participants will feel prepared to support communication skills in the areas of social interaction, expression, and understanding in individuals along the spectrum.
Participants will:
Understand how the characteristics of ASD relate to communication development
Define the terms minimally verbal, echolalia, scripting, interaction, expression, understanding
Understand how interaction, expression and understanding are inter-related
Discuss the skills needed to be a successful communicator and the reasons we communicate
Define joint attention and understand its relationship to developing interaction skills
Recognize the importance of motivation, reinforcement and rapport building when teaching communication skills
Differentiate between interaction, expression, and understanding strategies, and how to apply them to the classroom setting
Discuss how to involve peers to support students’ interaction, expression and understanding
Understand how AAC supports expression
Explore and practice using paper-based AAC materials
Compare and contrast messages using a communication (theme) board and a core board
Recognize the pros and cons of using PECS and Sign Language
Identify commonly used voice-output AAC devices
Label the prompt hierarchy for using AAC and discuss its significance
Understand and explore how using visuals can support understanding
Practice implementing a task analysis to complete a math worksheet and analyze potential adaptations
Recognize the difference between using the first/then (Premack) principle and a visual schedule, and between using choice time and break time
Create a communication intervention plan for a student they know
Audience: Parents and Teachers supporting Learning at home
When May 19 - 20, 2020
This Event is closed at this time.
Site close date: 4/30/2021 5:20 PM
If you have any questions contact Denise Reid by email at