2-Day Virtual POPARD SuperWorkshop
May 13 & 14, 2020 9am-3pm

An Introduction to Social Skills Interventions

A cardinal feature of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is impairment in social interaction and communication. We know that with effective instructional strategies, children and teens with ASD can learn a range of skills to successfully engage with their social world. What social skills should we teach? How do we teach them? How will we know the interventions are effective? Drawing on social motivation theory, this 2-day interactive super-workshop will prepare participants to effectively and systematically teach this vast group of skills!

Participants will:
  • Compare the development of social skills in neurotypical children and children with ASD
  • Describe social motivation theory and how it relates to the development of social skills in individuals with ASD
  • Recognize the potential of students with ASD to learn social skills
  • Identify sources of assessment information
  • Identify a student’s communication stage
  • Use informal assessments (i.e., social skills checklists)
  • Interpret the results of informal assessments
  • Write measurable goals based on assessment results
  • Identify common social skills goals that may be targeted for instruction for each of the SCERTS communication stages
  • Explain the components of Behaviour Skills Training
  • Describe the elements of an effective social skills intervention
  • Describe various social skills interventions
  • Compare and contrast different social skill interventions
  • Write a script for a social skill
  • Develop a visual support to teach a social skill
  • Write a script for a video model
  • Recognize various data collection methods, and understand the rationale for each
  • Select appropriate intervention strategies
  • Develop an age- and skill-appropriate social skills intervention
  • Devise a plan for monitoring progress and effectiveness of the plan
Audience: Parents and Teachers supporting Learning at home

May 13 - 14, 2020

This Event is closed at this time.
Site close date: 4/30/2021 5:14 PM
If you have any questions contact Denise Reid by email at

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