Ministering H.O.P.E. to Children Seminar

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In the last few years, children and their families have either experienced, witnessed or been exposed to through the media, a major war, floods, fires, drought, shootings, fears about climate change and a worldwide pandemic. There have also been gangland shootings, earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes. Our children have been affected, particularly by the pandemic, and the effects on children, families and children’s ministry have been significant.

Even before these events, the Australian Government reported that about 1 in 7 children aged 4-17 had recently experienced a mental disorder. The most common condition was ADHD, followed by anxiety, depression and conduct disorder.

In this 4-hour seminar, you will be shown how to help children understand Christian and biblical H.O.P.E., which is way more than simply wishing things could be better. It is a confident expectation that things will be okay. You will learn how to help children come face to face with the love and comfort of Jesus and build into their lives resilience and positive ways of handling grief. They will come to know that God is faithful and will fulfil every promise he has made and will place eternal HOPE in their hearts for their present and future.

You will also learn how to use the free curriculum H.O.P.E.
Registration     Price Quantity

Registration     $30.00
Event Details:  Seminars will be held across Australia and New Zealand.  Locations and dates will be listed here as they are finialised.

Cost: AUD 30 per attendee.

Schedule:  9 am to 1.00 pm.  Morning tea is provided. Attendees are welcome to bring their own packed lunch if they would like to stay a little longer for informal discussions, fellowship and question times. 

June 24 2023 - Northam Western Australia
Hosted by Bridgely Church of Christ 93 Wellington Street Northam WA 6401,

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