* Access for the one (1) named registrant to attend FLOAT 2026 under limited conditions between Friday, January 23rd, and Tuesday, January 27th, 2026
* Access for the one (1) named registrant to attend any open-access "sponsored sessions" scheduled on Saturday, January 24th, Sunday, January 25th and Tuesday, January 27th, 2026.
* Access for the one (1) named registrant to attend the Vendor Showcase held on Sunday, January 25th, Monday, January 26th, and Tuesday, January 27th, 2026.
* Access for the one (1) named registrant to attend the Opening Night event on Sunday, January 25th, 2026
* Access for the one (1) named registrant to attend any of the other social events held prior to or during the convention, such as the Friday Night Fun, Club L8X Karaoke and Dance Party, The Monday Night Party, the FLOAT Jam Room and more. The exception to this is the Designer Awards Gala on Wednesday, January 28th. Networking / Jam Pass attendees must purchase an additional ticket if they wish to attend the Gala at $125 per ticket.
* One (1) Welcome FLOAT Tote Bag for the one (1) named registrant (contents of the totes will vary based on sponsor participation - all totes may not contain the same contents) and one (1) complimentary FLOAT 2026 -shirt (PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be registered by no later than December 1st, 2025, in order to be guaranteed this benefit. Registrations received after December 1 are NOT guaranteed to receive these)
If you register for FLOAT 2026 on or before December 15, 2025:
If you find yourself in the position to where you can no longer attend FLOAT 2026 after completing your payment, you may still cancel your registration to FLOAT 2026 with the understanding that you are subject to a cancellation penalty of $100.00 US.
Please note that this $100.00 US is collected as a maintenance fee, and is NOT subject to any other benefits to the convention.
Please note that the fee charged by once you register for FLOAT 2026 is non-refundable.
On or after December 16th, 2025:
If you are unable to attend FLOAT 2026 for any reason on or after December 16th, 2025, including but not exclusive to medical issues, family emergencies, business decisions and the like, while you can cancel your registration for the convention, you will not be entitled to any refund at all from your registration fees as well as all charges or fees.
In the event that you have to cancel on or after December 16th, 2025, you CAN apply for a line of purchase credit for educational video downloads through the Orange Store on the FLOAT website. The credit line will consist of whatever amount you paid to FLOAT that you will be unable to receive as a refund, minus any credit card charges associated with the transaction as well as the service fee.
Transfers and Roll-Overs
Due to abuse factors over the past conventions, FLOAT no longer allows delegates to sell their registrations independently to others. If you are unable to attend FLOAT 2026, you need to follow the cancellation policy.
Delegates are also not allowed to sell or transfer their access to the Designer Awards Gala to another attendee or guest. If a delegate at FLOAT wishes to bring a guest to the Designer Awards Gala, a guest pass needs to be purchased from the FLOAT management team prior to December 16th, 2025.
Similar to our transfer policy, due to issues of abuse over the past conventions, FLOAT has had to eliminate it's rollover policy. As of February 4th, 2019, FLOAT no longer allows delegates to rollover their registrations for the next convention should they be unable to attend. This is why our cancellation deadline has been extended well into December; this will allow people to collect at least a partial refund of their registration fees if they are unable to attend.
While we completely understand that you may have a very valid reason to have to cancel your registration, you also need to understand that FLOAT is dependent upon the registration fees from our delegates to cover the operating costs of the convention. Just as you have to have cancellation policies with your own clients, we do as well. This deadline is absolutely our "line in the sand" as it were, so please understand that any such reasoning for these policies is not personal but rather a professional and business decision that must be made in order to protect the operation as well as the longevity of the FLOAT Convention series.
FLOAT's COVID Policies for 2026
At this time, FLOAT will not be enacting any specific protocols regarding the spread of COVID-19. It is strongly suggested, however, that all delegates follow these guidelines:
Delegates are welcome to wear masks if they feel more comfortable doing so while at FLOAT
No one shall demean, mock or ridicule anyone choosing to follow their own precautions regarding COVID-19
If a delegate is not feeling well on a particular day of the convention, we ask that they wear a mask for the protection of others they may engage with
If a delegate is running a fever on a day of the convention, we ask that they decline joining us that day and stay in their room to rest and get better
All delegates are encouraged to take a COVID test prior to departing for FLOAT 2026 and before they return home to their families
Other Issues or Policies
The FLOAT Executive Producer and production team reserve the right to make changes to any and all policies as needed.