Audition Details
For all students, please provide the following:
- A written 200 word statement as to why you want to be part of the UCSB Theater and Dance Department BFA in Acting program.
- An acting resume, or list of your theater related activities.
- A headshot, or any picture that shows your face. May be from a cellphone.
- At least one letter of recommendation from someone who is familiar with your acting.
Please submit these items to by Monday, May 5th.
The audition will consist of the presentation of two prepared, contrasting monologues chosen from a contemporary play within the actor's own age range. The time limit for both monologues is three minutes, i.e., about 90 seconds each.
Check-in will begin at 9:00 a.m., and will go until 9:45 a.m. At check-in students will receive a number which will determine their audition order. At 10:00 a.m. everyone will gather for general introductions and a group warm-up with individual auditions to immediately follow. Be prepared to enter the room when the person ahead of you finishes.
Once everyone has presented their monologues, students may be asked to attend a call-back. Be prepared to stay until 5 p.m., though the audition may conclude before that.