The Berlin Economic Development Commission and Berlin High School
are holding a gathering to discuss how we can enhance the Town of Berlin through the Arts and the creativity of the Berlin Arts Community. The meeting is part of a larger community planning process for the revitalization of the Kensington Village (Center) area and will be facilitated by our consultant CivicMoxie.
If you are an artist, have a family member who is part of the Berlin Arts Community, have an Arts oriented business in Berlin or if you're just interested in stimulating the Arts in Berlin we invite you to attend this meeting!
We will have a discussion about the Arts in Berlin and how we can work together to make the Arts a more visible and vital part of the community fabric.
Please bring: An Open Mind Your Ideas Your Energy and Creativity
Event Details January 25, 2017
Where Berlin Community Center 230 Kensington Road Lower Level of the Library Berlin, CT