63rd Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance
August 4-8 , 2024


August 4 - 8, 2024

Copper Conference Center
0182 Copper Mountain Circle
Copper Mountain, CO 80443

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Already Registered?

Enter your Last Name and Confirmation ID to review your record.

Last Name or Email

Registration Information

For details on the conference click here.

Registration Type Early Rate After June 15, 2024
Full Conference $500 $550
Full Conference - Student $195 $220
Single Day $260 $320
Single Day - Student $110 $140

*Full Conference includes lunch August 5, 6 and 7, Reception August 5 (Conference Banquet & Awards Ceremony not included)

*Single Day includes lunch August 5, 6 or 7, Reception August 5, if registered for respective day (Conference Banquet & Awards Ceremony not included)
indicates further information is available by clicking on or hovering over this image.
Registration     Price Quantity

You can enter multiple registrations at one time by clicking on the quantity below. Early   
registration rates apply if registration and payment are received by June 15, 2024.

Full Conference After June 15, 2024      $550.00

Full Conference - Student After June 15, 2024      $220.00

Single Day Conference After June 15, 2024      $320.00

Single Day Conference - Student After June 15,   

Cancellations on or before June 15, 2024 are fully refundable. Cancellations after June 15, 2024 are non-refundable, however substitutions are allowed.

There will be payment instructions, hotel booking instructions and transportation options in your confirmation email.

online event registration provided by: PlanetReg
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