When 1 January 2024 - 1 January, 2026 9:00 AM
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The membership of the Association shall consist of all persons who have applied for and been admitted as Members of the Association by the voting Members, as set forth herein, into one of the following five (5) classes of membership:
- voting Members;
- non-voting Physician Affiliate;
- non-voting Non-physician Affiliate;
- non-voting Trainee;
- non-voting Retiree
- Member: are a practicing and licensed medical doctor with recognized postgraduate training in Forensic Pathology
- Physician Affiliate: a practicing and licensed medical doctor
- Non-Physician Affiliate: one of the following:
A. Work in, or with, a medico-legal death investigation system and assist Forensic Pathologists conduct either death investigations and/or medico-legal postmortem examinations (for example, may include but not limited to death investigators and lay coroners; nurse death investigators; Forensic Identification police officers; forensic photographers; or autopsy technicians/assistants), or
B. Hold a graduate degree and practice in one of the following forensic fields: Forensic Anthropology; Forensic Odontology (doctor of medicine in dentistry (DMD) or doctor of dental surgery (DDS)); Forensic Entomology; Forensic Physical Sciences; Forensic Toxicology; or Forensic Biology, or
C. Work in the field of forensic medicine or undertake other medico- legal work not outlined above (eg: may include but limited to Forensic Nurse; or Forensic Psychologist
- Trainees: are enrolled in one of the following:
A. the study of medicine (medical student); or enrolled in a relevant area of postgraduate medical training in an accredited training program, or
B. Postgraduate studies at a recognized university, in a relevant area of study
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CAFM members are its greatest asset. The larger the pool becomes, the richer the potential lines of communication and collaboration will be. This will ensure the most effective sharing of best practices and research findings across all disciplines within the wide and varied field of forensic medicine. You could be benefiting from it, and adding to it – by joining today.