Lantern Tours
Saturday, October 19, 2024
6:00- 10:00 pm

Tickets:  $12/adults, $5/children under 12

"Deacon's Tales"

A  walking tour through the Village of Talley Cavey
* Suitable for adults and children age 7 and older
--- Tours take about 1 hour  and continue regardless of weather--

questions?  e-mail

October 19, 2024

Depreciation Lands Museum
4743 S Pioneer Road
Allison Park, PA 15101

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Please Select Your Tour Time and Indicate the number of persons
in your party. Tours depart every 10 minutes.
indicates further information is available by clicking on or hovering over this image.
Tour Time     Number of Persons

6:00 pm     
6:10 pm     
6:20 pm     
6:30 pm     
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6:50 pm     
7:00 pm     
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8:00 pm     
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8:50 pm    
9:00 pm    
9:10 pm    
9:20 pm    
9:30 pm    
9:40 pm    
9:50 pm    
10:00 pm    
Payment in Full is required to complete your registration.  (90% of your payment is refundable if you give at least 2 weeks notice of cancellation.)

After completing all registration information, you will be directed to the secure payment site, powered by PayPal.  You do not need a PayPal account to complete your payment.


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