Where: Nebraska State Patrol-Criminal Identification Division 4600 Innovation Drive Lincoln, NE 68521
Already Registered?
Enter your Last Name and Confirmation ID to review your record.
Course Description: This training is directed towards anyone who rolls fingerprints for criminal or non-criminal purposes. This may include jailors and corrections staff, police or sheriff department support staff or booking personnel, sworn law enforcement officers, DHHS employees and adoption agency staff. Class size is limited.
Basic Fingerprint Training consists of the following:
A history of fingerprints as a biometric identification method
The importance of fingerprints and the criminal history record
How fingerprint-based background checks work
The role of the AFIS team
Identification of the primary fingerprint patterns and characteristics
Proper technique for capturing legible fingerprints
How to correctly handle anomalies such as amputations and birth defects
Rejected prints and how to avoid them
Practical, hands-on practice rolling fingerprints (ALL participants will be required to participate in the practical exercises in order to receive a certificate of completion)
We strongly urge attendees to wear dark clothing as we will be using printers ink for the practical exercises that can stain clothing.
Registration Information:
You may have one person for your agency submit one registration for multiple attendees by selecting the number of attendees to register below. Or, you may have each attendee register individually.
Registration deadline is 11:59 PM on Monday September 1st, 2025. Seating is limited.
For any questions, please send an email to nsp.criminalidentification@nebraska.gov or call the NSP-CID front desk at 402-479-4971 and ask to speak with Christie.