M. A. Rooney Foundation:  2025 VIRTUAL Summer Orton-Gillingham Training
IDOE Approved Vendor for the “Authorized Local Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia”
WELCOME to the M. A. Rooney Foundation Orton-Gillingham Training Registration site

What is OG?  The Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach utilizes evidence-based procedures and activities to maximize the opportunities for students to apply and retain skills.  OG varies from traditional phonics instruction by its emphasis on the following instructional components:
  • Systematic – Daily lessons utilize logical lesson sequences (warm-up drills, cumulative review, teaching something new) through routine procedures (consistent directions/activities).  Systematic instruction allows students to attend to the important elements of the lesson – the content, not the directions.
  • Explicit – An “I do.  We do.  You do.” direct instruction model provides students with the necessary support to apply new skills.  Explicit instruction eliminates guesswork and reduces misunderstanding.
  • Synthetic – New skills are taught in a part to whole approach and in a scaffolded manner.  Each skill is intentionally taught for spiral review and application.  Synthetic phonics instruction typically utilizes a back-mapping approach to identify essential skills, which are then sequenced based on the prerequisite nature of subskills.
  • Multisensory – The brain processes (retrieves, responds, and retains) information using a complex wiring system.  Through procedures that involve visual, tactile/kinesthetic, and auditory exercises, information can be more efficiently processed by the brain.
Our Model:  Research shows that preventative instruction, especially in the earliest grades (K/1) is more effective than remediation.  Our model is based around this preventative approach through daily 45-minute whole group lessons within a tier 1 general education K-2 classroom setting.  Our training provides teachers with the knowledge needed to apply key principles of the OG group approach to deliver our grade-level specific lessons.
VIRTUAL OG Training Overview:
Our two-week training utilizes a virtual online training platform.  Our blended training includes Independent Activities, Live Lectures (zoom meetings), and Proficiency Activities.  A detailed syllabus will be provided to ensure participants have a clear understanding of required tasks.
  • Independent Activities include video lectures, required readings, and practice activities.  Expect to spend approximately two hours on independent activities for each scheduled day of training (eight days for Basic and six days for Kindergarten).
  • Live Lectures take place using the Zoom platform and are scheduled for each day of training through the duration of the course. Participants will work in partnerships to practice concepts learned in the independent activities.  Each Zoom lecture is scheduled for 90 minutes each day.  Full attendance and full participation in activities each day is required. 
  • Proficiency Activities include online Knowledge Checks (quizzes), recorded video demonstrations (using the Padlet platform), and a one-on-one instructor sign-off activity. 
Participants are encouraged to register with a colleague or team. 
Access to the internet and to a computer with both audio and video viewing and recording capabilities is a requirement of this course.
Districts:  Please do make sure that all of the educators in your school district are able to access the websites that we use during OG training:
  1. ZOOM:  https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/202542006
  2. Padlet:  padlet.org and https://padlet.com
  3. M. A. Rooney Foundation OG Card Drill:  https://ogdrill.marooneyfoundation.org/#/
  4. M. A. Rooney Foundation Website:  https://www.marooneyfoundation.org/
  5. SignUp Genius – Add to Contacts:  info@signupgenius.com
OG Course Options:
Please select and register for either the Basic OG OR the IDOE Reading Specialist training.  
Do NOT register 1 participant for both or you will be charged double!
We offer three training options. Please read over the descriptions below and choose the option that best meets your needs, according to both the level of students you support and your purpose for training. 
  1. Kindergarten ONLY OG Training (All Kindergarten Teachers and Kindergarten Instructional Assistants)
Cost: $225.00 per person
This 22-hour course is designed for individuals working with Kindergarten students and those students at the early-literacy level. 
Instruction is designed to support individuals intending to utilize our online lesson plans. 
Course content provides participants with evidence-based practices on the following critical foundational literacy skills:
  • phonological and phonemic awareness
  • letter recognition and print concepts
  • early phonics skills: common word families, short vowels, consonant digraphs (h-brothers), blends/clusters and long vowels
  • high-frequency words
  • fluency
  • handwriting
  1. Basic OG Training  (All Teachers, Interventionists and Instructional Assistants who serve Grades 1 and Up)
Cost:  $275.00 per person
This 30-hour course covers both the foundational and the more advanced Orton-Gillingham literacy skills.  Basic OG Course Content includes:
Critical Foundational Literacy Skills:
  • phonological and phonemic awareness
  • letter recognition and print concepts
  • early phonics skills: common word families, short vowels, consonant digraphs (h-brothers), blends/clusters and long vowels
  • high-frequency words
  • fluency
  • handwriting
Advanced Orton-Gillingham Literacy Skills:
  • six syllable types (open, closed, magic e, r-controlled, vowel team, and consonant +le)
  • syllable division strategies
  • spelling generalizations
  • morphology (common prefix and suffixes)
  1. The IDOE Authorized Local Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia:   
Cost:  There is no additional cost for this Independent Training Module.
If you are interested in attaining the IDOE Authorized Local Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia Certificate, you must fully attend and complete our prerequisite 30-hour Basic OG Training session, and then complete a 10-hour independent module.  The Independent Training Module includes the following:
  • reading science
  • written expression
  • diagnostic assessments
  • prescriptive lesson plans
  • dyslexia awareness
  • RtI / MTSS
2025 VIRTUAL Summer Orton-Gillingham Training Sessions:
When you have selected your training option, please refer to the table below and “click” on the session to begin registration.  You will pay with a credit card.  You are not fully registered until you have completed the payment process.  There are no refunds after materials have been shipped.
Due to current shipping challenges, we are only able to offer this training to participants who live in the continental USA.
If you have any questions regarding the best training option for you, please contact Ann Puckett-Harpold:  AnnP-H@MARooneyFoundation.org
The registration window will close by April 1, 2025 or when the sessions are full.  We do expect to fill up very quickly.
The cost for OG training includes all OG training materials which we will mail to each district/participant for this training.  Make sure your delivery address is correct on the registration.  We are unable to deliver to P.O. addresses or to addresses outside of the continental United States.

2025 Kindergarten ONLY
OG Training
2025 Basic OG and
IDOE Authorized Local Reading Specialist Trained in Dyslexia
2025 Summer Session #1
May 27-29 and June 2-4 (6 Days Total) May 27-30 and June 2-5 (8 Days Total)
A.M. Online:  Session #1 Kindergarten ONLY
6 Required Zoom meetings from
9:00 - 10:30 Daily (Indianapolis, Indiana Time)
P.M. Online:  Session #1 Basic or IDOE Reading Specialist
8 Required Zoom meetings from
1:00 - 2:30 Daily (Indianapolis, Indiana Time)
2025 Summer Session #2
June 16-19 and June 23-26 (8 Days Total)
A.M. Online:  Session #2 Basic or IDOE Reading Specialist
8 Required Zoom meetings from
9:00 - 10:30 Daily (Indianapolis, Indiana Time)
2025 Summer Session #3
July 7-9 and July 14-16 (6 Days Total) July 7-10 and July 14-17 (8 Days Total)
6 Required Zoom meetings from
1:00 - 2:30 Daily (Indianapolis, Indiana Time)
8 Required Zoom meetings from
9:00 - 10:30 Daily (Indianapolis, Indiana Time)
For Technical Support, please contact Robert Hochgesang: 

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